Competency Framework
Competency Framework – Proactively designate employee skills and competencies with the roles that require them. With a little help from our HR experts, you can have a broader understanding of occupational behaviours and values that will bring results.
Scorecards and KPIs
Scorecards and KPIs – We help you draw up performance indicators through Balanced Scorecards and KPIs so that you, as key decision maker, are equipped with analytical data to achieve business targets.
Capability Building and Succession Planning
Capability Building and Succession Planning – Create a robust beeline of resources in the face of an upcoming merger or new project and prepare your own talents to step up into leadership roles within the company through timely intervention and mentoring.
Assessment Centers
Assessment Centers – We help you broaden succession planning by chartering best practices and assessment models for selected talents. By measuring their potential for intended roles under standardized guidelines, we help you find the right fit through mock scenario exercises.
Leadership Development Programs
Leadership Development Programme – Preparing leaders for C-suite life is more about helping them navigate challenges, adopt transformative behaviours, influence people and the bottom line as well as improving critical soft skills needed for the growth of the business.